Monday, March 8, 2010

Starting Trends... or Mini Trends

I remember when I was just getting into fashion. I lived in the Midwest so I did almost everything to stay ahead of these lagging Midwestern trends. So skinny jeans were one of the newer trends that weren't as popular as they are now. I used to wear my new skinny jeans that I bought at Old Navy and I went to school with them. Everyone was gasping at me and wondering why I wasn't wearing the same old boot-cut jean.
It is kind of funny how I get made fun of something that the next year everyone was wearing. I know I wasn't the one who started the skinny jean trend. I know I followed someone else. Although I do give credit to myself. Without me who knows what could have happened to my school. They possibly could have still been wearing boot-cut jeans. Its just something cool to think about. Starting my own mini trend... (Now I moved to a different school and, I want to know what happens next now)

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