Sunday, March 7, 2010

Who is Mademoiselle Tres Belle?

I have been writing about my fashion opinions an thoughts for weeks now but, I feel like I am not connecting to anyone. This is possibly because no one has an idea of who I am. I'm very young actually, thirteen years old. I've got a heart for fashion ever since I was six. So seven years of my life I've been obsessed. I think the reason I fell in love with fashion was because of my mother. She really could dress! From head-to-toe she looked amazing. Although she looked fabulous on weekdays, weekends consisted of 'bummy' outfits. Outfits were like costumes to me and a way to earn respect and look wealthy and... glamorous.
First, I thought I wanted to be a model. That was the only door that opened the industry to me. Later I realized I wanted to be a fashion designer, which I continue to pursue. Most of all I wanted to write about fashion. I want to become great like Anna Wintour. Maybe I'll also dip into styling celebritys or maybe just people who can afford styling. I think Rachael Zoe is the inspiration for that dream.
Crazy enough after I read the Teen Vogue Handbook I was inspired by Natalie Hormilla. Fashion blogging was something I could do right away! So here I am blogging about my ideals. Truly I want to live out my dream and at a young age you start out small. Eventually you do grow.

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