Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Zac Posen for Target

   The title for this blog post is obviously something you must know if you call yourself one of the 'fashion enthused'. I've read this news in like three magazines and tons of blogs but, I can't contain the bubbly news inside me! The news is...(drum roll please) Zac Posen is designed a line for Target and everything is $119.00 and below! You can buy these new clothes April 25! I am so excited to know that even if I'm in the midwest I will have access to one of the young fashion geniuses.
   I love his line because its affordable, well made for its price, and it is a 'first' for Target and other retail stores. Zac Posen is the first designer to make a full length gown and tuxedo for retail stores! Amazing...
   So you might have already known this wonderful news for probably weeks now but, I always have to get my opinion out there, right?

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